Perth, Australia

Welcome to Northern Districts Bridge Club.

Northern Districts Bridge Club
NDBC is affiliated to the Australian Bridge Federation and provides mainly retired people living in the northern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, with the opportunity to play duplicate bridge in a relaxed, warm and friendly setting.
Thanks to the generosity of the Joondalup City Council the club operates from the recreational facilities at Seacrest Park, Seacrest Drive, Sorrento. Please click on Google Maps to find us. There is ample parking at Seacrest Park and you should enter from Seacrest Drive on the East side of the park. However please remember to park between the lines otherwise you may incur a fine for illegal parking in a council parking facility.
We play on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Players are requested to arrive and be seated by 12 noon. This allows the movement to be determined and the boards distributed for the session to start at no later than 12.15pm. Each session includes a half time break when tea, coffee and light refreshments are provided at no additional cost.
NDBC is a close and supportive group of bridge players and we wish to retain the unique atmosphere that exists in the club by not becoming too large and exceeding the comfortable capacity of the hall which is around 13 tables. At present we are not actively seeking new members although we will consider applications from those unable to find a suitable alternative club. Detailed Membership Information Sheets and Application Forms may be downloaded from the Documents Page.
Fees and Table Money
Membership Fees for 2025 are Full Members $30.00 and Associate Members $15.00. Table Money for members is $3.00 for green point sessions and $5.00 for red. Visitors are charged $6.00 per session.
Visitors are always very welcome. However, please note, that visitors may not play in red point sessions. Please check the 'Coming Events' panel on this page which will list upcoming red point sessions. Finally, it would be appreciated if first-time visitors could arrive by 11.50am, so that we can ensure their details are entered into our computer system.
Please email [email protected] if you would like more information.

(C) Altosoft and Northern Districts Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Northern Districts Bridge Club 
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